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Selectmen's Minutes 2010/05/03
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, May 3, 2010

Present: Fred Gallup Chairman, William Roach Vice Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Emma Smith, Stephen White, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Dana Ramspott, Anne Nilson, Mary Epremian, Terri Jillson-White, John and Jean Wilson, Jean Molloy, Peter Urbach, Representative Suzanne Gottling, Jon Walden.   

Chairman Gallup opened the meeting at 7:00PM  

Dana Ramspott-Old Town Hall
•Motion to allow $300 from the capital reserve Old town Hall fund for Thrift Shop renovations and $859 in previous approved allocations to be realigned by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Dana Ramspott told the Board that the committee would like to hold a farmer’s market in the Old Town Hall with the Board of Selectmen’s blessing. After much discussion, the consensus of the Board, they were supportive of a Chamber of Commerce approach, with more details for permission to using Old Town Hall.
Abbott Library Board Alternates
Anne Nilson and Jean Molloy introduced themselves to the Board.
Motion to accept the appointments of Anne Nilson and Jean Molloy as Abbott Library Board Alternates for 1 year term by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Smith . All in Favor.

Selectmen’s Action
•Motion to approve and sign the 2009-2010 Fair market Rents & Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Food Stamp) adopted as Sunapee Town Assistance guidelines by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman White. All in Favor.
•Motion to support the Library Trustees decision to terminate the contract to purchase the Harbor Hotel site for the new library between the Town and the Riverway Corporation with appropriate notice by letter from the Board of Selectmen to the Riverway by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gallup. 2 in Favor. 2 Opposed. 1 Abstained. Donna Nashawaty will get copies of the purchase and sales agreement to the Board of Selectmen so they can make a more informed decision.
•Motion to approve the use of facilities application from Michelle Curtis Wedding on May 29th at the Gazebo by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.
•Motion to approve the use of facilities application from SCES 5th Grade Beach Day on June 10th at Dewey Beach by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.

Chairman’s Report
Chairman Gallup commented on the email sent from Jessie Levine, New London Town Administrator, regarding the last minute amendments to bills that were filed last Thursday that suggest that the public health pools that are managed by LGC and Primex are sitting on large reserves that should be returned to the municipalities. After much discussion, the Board asked Donna Nashawaty to attend the meeting on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and carry the message that they are very happy with the way LGC handles the town’s health insurance. Selectman Brown will also attend the meeting.  
•Chairman Gallup wanted to make sure the Board read the article in April 30th edition of the Legislative Bulletin regarding the Rooms and Meals Tax.
Representative Gottling explained the vote on the Pole Tax.
•Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board about the hearing set for Tuesday, May 4th at 10:00am to finalize the wording to the amendment to a Senate bill to allow communities to revenue bond Broadband.  
•Selectman Roach expressed a concern regarding the County Bus Transportation System. Selectman Roach asked Donna Nashawaty if Community Alliance has gotten back to the town about the average ridership on the bus, which was asked by the Board in December 2009, the answer was no. Selectman Roach stated that he followed the empty bus into town, it made a stop at the bank and left heading back to Newport empty again. Selectman Roach wonders why the County is donating money to this bus service when it only services 3 towns, Sunapee gets the service but doesn’t use it and the other 12 towns are paying for it, but can’t receive the service. Selectman Roach feels it’s the most mismanaged system and that it might be illegal to make the towns pay for a service that they can’t receive and it should not be coming out of County taxes. Representative Gottling agreed with Selectman Roach that it is an inefficient system, and feels it was established to address a need, but not sure it did.
•Selectman Brown informed the Board about the forums that LSPA has held on the watershed. Selectman Brown also told the Board that on Thursday, May 13th Joel Smith will be a special guest speaker on the environment and climate at Clemens Hall Colby Sawyer College.

Town Manager Reports
•Donna Nashawaty updated the Board on the progress of the Lynne Peirce Memorial Playground and that the Board needs to hold a public hearing to accept the gift,
Motion to hold public meeting on May 17th to accept gift by Selectman White, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
•Selectman Brown and Representative Gottling both worked at the 2nd Annual Green-up Day held on Saturday, May 1st.
•Chairman Gallup reminded the Board that the community room at the Safety Services Building was dedicated on Saturday to Artie Osborne.

Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                      Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________         
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Stephen White

Emma M. Smith